The Ashley Hundred Band PIcture

Folk / Indie Rock / Psychedelic

The Ashley Hundred

10:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.

Indoor Stage

Calgary, Alberta’s The Ashley Hundred are a psychedelic rock band without boundaries or burdens. Five collaborators from disparate musical upbringing, piling competing sonic ideas onto scampering melodies in a dense forest of harmonic idiosyncrasy.

“There is no visionary [in the band]” according to banjo and steel player Brett Cassidy. Every member contributes to the songwriting and direction of each song. Drummer Michael De Souza brings hip-hop and R&B influence, guitarist Carson Stewart enforces tension into sonic corners with dark jazz chords and clever harmonic pathways, Andrew Franks introduces surreal lyrical turns of phrase, Jordan Moe puts forward an assured rock backdrop with hefty bass guitar, and banjo/steel player Brett Cassidy textures the compositions with country craftsmanship and folk finesse.

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